Answered By: Lisa Read Last Updated: Jul 02, 2024 Views: 98
How to access a database
The easiest way to get to the databases is to click the Databases & Articles tab of the search box on the Libraries homepage. Use the Browse by Database Subject drop-down menu to see only databases for a particular subject, e.g. Art, Health Sciences, Business, etc.
Once you've narrowed the list of databases by broad subject, read the descriptions to find a database that suits your needs. Each database is slightly different in what subjects they cover and what types of resources they provide access to. So if you're looking for articles, make sure to choose a database that mentions "articles," "journals," or "periodicals" in the description. Finally, click the database title to open it.
How to search a database
Typically you want to use just a few keywords when searching. For example, if you're writing a paper about how lack of sleep causes college students to get poor grades, you might want to search:
sleep grades college students
If you can't find anything with your original keywords, try using fewer words or related words, for example:
sleep performance undergraduates | sleep college students
But if you get too many results, try adding more words, or more specific words, for example:
sleep grades college freshmen | REM sleep grades brain function undergraduates
Most databases also allow you to "filter" your results by choosing to see only articles written in a particular language or in a particular date range. Use filters to help narrow down your results to only the ones most helpful to you.
If you can't find anything at all, try a different database! Each database looks at a different set of articles, so you'll get different results in each one.
Need more help?
If you're still stuck, ask a librarian for more help!
Most subjects
In person: Reference desk on the main floor of the library
Phone: 860.768.4142
Music, dance, and theatre
In person: Service desk near the entrance of Allen Library
Phone: 860.768.4491 (front desk) or 860.768.4404 (Tracey Rudnick)
Email: (Tracey Rudnick)
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